Each episode of Confessions of the Idiots features hilarious guests reacting to some of the wildest, strangest online confessions.
Amber loses her cocaine, Matt’s partner hates his lovemaking song, Tash takes the blame for their dad’s porn and Brett has loose guts.
Alexei Toliopoulos & Cameron James
Nathan hates cats, Adam stole money from his grandmama, Jess catfished her friend’s boyfriend and Todd loves cumming into breakfast cereal.
264: Matt Stewart & Jess Perkins
Alex stashed cash in the mattress, Matt eats chewing gum, Cass killed a goldfish and Verity draws a mustache on the boss’s portrait.
263: Michelle Brasier & Annie Lumsden
George steals a dildo, Martin gets revenge on an old high school bully, Tim faked his death and David shits in letterboxes.
Jason steals little objects, Edith set her school on fire, Max steals artificial sweeteners and Violet released grasshoppers in class.
Julia smushed a cat, Larry knocks his friend off a roof with a branch, Lucy locks a rival in the bathroom and Danny sabotages a swimmer.
261: Rob Millsy Mills & Tim Hewitt
Pete accidentally slingshots a cat, Mark is stealing condiments, Claire saw her dad cheating and Brad shit in his cousin’s birthday cake.
Justin shit his pants on a scary ride, Sophie pretends to be adopted, Julie faked being American, and Matt’s not vegan.
260: Luke McGregor & Oliver Clark
James pretends he’s a frog, Harriet stole her boyfriend’s cat, Murray broke his son’s action figure, and Jay saw his friend cheating.
Mish Wittrup (Patreon Exclusive)
Beth learns the true purpose of a toilet plunger, James caught his dad shitting, Jay doesn’t know karate, Jesse has a small penis and more!
259: Xavier Michelides & Rik Brown RETURN
Michael is a street loon, Tara tests her friend’s peanut allergy, Jennifer fucks her brother-in-law and Paul is catfishing a friend.
Byron got his dick stuck in a couch, Michelle’s sister-in-law is cheating, Theresa pretends to win the lottery and Marty shit out a window.
257: Rhi Down & Concetta Caristo
Rhi Down and Concetta Caristo over the world wide interweb. Ingrid fucks her sisters fiancé and then Dave drinks his wife’s fancy wine.
256: Damian Callinan & Rusty Berther
Marcella doesn’t watch her friend’s plays, Clara is jealous of exes, Joseph pisses at a pool party and Kelly lies about the Queen.
The Final Plum: Declan Fay & Nick Maxwell
This week Sammy is joined by The Sweetest Plum’s Declan Fay & Nick Maxwell who are wrapping up their podcast after 12 years.