Oliver Clark

Golden-voiced singer, entertainer and comedian

Confessions with Oliver

Episodes with Oliver

260: Luke McGregor & Oliver Clark

James pretends he’s a frog, Harriet stole her boyfriend’s cat, Murray broke his son’s action figure, and Jay saw his friend cheating.

185: Matt Stewart & Oliver Clark

Charlie fucks with his roommate’s head, Hannah fucks with her friend’s phone, Mark revenge-shits in a car and Izzy steals from her bitch nan.

120: Denise Scott & Oliver Clark

This week on the podcast Sammy is joined by returning guests Denise Scott and Oliver Clark to discuss this weeks weird online confessions

56: Oliver Clark & Broden Kelly

Eric is holding dark secrets, Heidi is ghosting dates, Mark is obsessed with marshmallows and Amanda accidentally deletes her wedding tape.

20: Oliver Clark & Ty Frost

This week Sammy is joined by two men with the smoothest voices in the land - Oliver Clark and Smooth FM’s Ty Frost.