305: Jordan Barr & Mish Wittrup
Mish Wittrup and Jordan Barr enjoy lovely confessions: Julie shook up a Coke, Jacob chugs cum, Oliver catfished, and Harriet has an affair.
305: Jordan Barr & Mish Wittrup
Mish Wittrup and Jordan Barr enjoy lovely confessions: Julie shook up a Coke, Jacob chugs cum, Oliver catfished, and Harriet has an affair.
Casey Donovan is back for beautiful confessions. Michaela’s husband farts, Jason steals an urn, Kevin kills plants and Gemma calls police.
Todd Glass joins the podcast for great confessions: Joe broke his hand to get out of an exam, Jessica spits in her teacher’s coffee and more!
264: Matt Stewart & Jess Perkins
Alex stashed cash in the mattress, Matt eats chewing gum, Cass killed a goldfish and Verity draws a mustache on the boss’s portrait.
Jason steals little objects, Edith set her school on fire, Max steals artificial sweeteners and Violet released grasshoppers in class.
259: Xavier Michelides & Rik Brown RETURN
Michael is a street loon, Tara tests her friend’s peanut allergy, Jennifer fucks her brother-in-law and Paul is catfishing a friend.