Fucking Jealousy & Revenge Lying, Cheating and Imposters Shitting, Pissing & Puking Thievery & Fraud
This week Sammy is lucky enough to be joined by beautiful boys Adam Zwar and Alexei Toliopoulos. Lance is pissing in the pinot. Edith meets a distinguished man with a huge ass. Anthony’s business partner is causing marital trouble. Michelle plots revenge for her lame dad. It’s bloody hilarious and you should listen to it right now instead of focusing your time on this ill thought out synopsis.
Beautiful Guests
Writer, filmmaker, comedian, podcaster and defender of delicatessens
Actor, writer, podcaster and wonderful voice-over artist
Wonderful Confessions
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All UpdatesEVENT! Confessions Live Show (19 Aug)
- August 19, 2023
- 5:00pm
- $30
- Comedy Republic