Fucking Lying, Cheating and Imposters Thievery & Fraud
This week Sammy is joined by those debonair bastards, Toby Truslove and Oliver Clark. Toby and Oliver are treated to wonderful confessions from a babysitter who’s big trouble, an unfaithful boyfriend with a confusing well analogy, a friend composing a beautiful fucking text and a fibbing car thief.
Beautiful Guests
Golden-voiced singer, entertainer and comedian
Gorgeous film, theatre and television actor
Wonderful Confessions
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All UpdatesEVENT! Confessions Live Show (19 Aug)
- August 19, 2023
- 5:00pm
- $30
- Comedy Republic
I also feel like a well sometimes, especially when I feel like I’m stuck in a well. My prayers go out to this young man and hope he finds his way out that well of a mess.