Kinks & Quirks Lying, Cheating and Imposters Thievery & Fraud
This week Sammy is joined by the wonderful Lizzie Mack and Murray Cook from the Soul Movers for tons of beautiful confessions from wonderful people. Rob gave his friend cat milk, Justin tries to impress a girl with an impromptu party, Nick pretends to be religious so his kid can go to a good school, Kelly composts her clients’ hair, Ingrid ends a relationship due to Kate Bush, and Vanessa steals Krispy Kreme Donuts.
Beautiful Guests
Musician, actor, OG Red Wiggle and Sammy’s childhood hero
Singer, musician and member of Soul Movers band
Wonderful Confessions
AllNews & Events
All UpdatesEVENT! Confessions Live Show (19 Aug)
- August 19, 2023
- 5:00pm
- $30
- Comedy Republic