Confessions with James
Dressed to the Nines and Covered in Shit
Beautiful Kelly is dressed to the nines and overly amped for her date with George, but her fairy tale turns into shit.
Mailing the Same Photo of Princess Diana
Olivia decides to get revenge on her ex-boyfriend in the most traditional way: mailing photos of Princess Diana once a week for two years.
My Boyfriend is Obsessed with a Stuffed Animal Egg
What would you do if the love of your life shunned you for a stuffed animal egg?
Shit Myself During a Date at a Movie
Josh is on a perfect date. He says something. She says something. Pure fire. Nothing could derail this perfect evening, except maybe shit.
I don’t know where this started but I sure as hell can tell you where this confession will end: with pants full of meat.
Went to Pleasure Town with Tom Cruise
Hannah had sex with Tom Cruise. This confession is 100% true. There is a zero percent chance Hannah is lying.
Episodes with James
288: Mr. Sunday Movies & Kirsty Webeck
This week Sammy is joined by the wonderful Mr. Sunday Movies and Kirsty Webeck!
267: THE 2,022nd COGIE AWARDS with Tony Martin and Oliver Clark (featuring Grant Denyer)
It’s the night of nights - the 2,022nd Cogie Awards awarding the very worst and worst of this years wonderful reddit confessions.
226: Mr. Sunday Movies & Jess Perkins
Alex is pen pals with celebrities, Izzy ruins her friend’s artwork, Cassie faked her own death and Todd gets revenge on his best friend.
211: Mr. Sunday Movies & Jess Perkins RETURN
Jess and James discuss wonderful confessions: Porsche imposter, Princess Diana photo revenge, vintage wine cover-up and NOT cumming on meats.
202: Jess Perkins & Mr. Sunday Movies
Jess and James enjoy being lovestruck for a roommate, a stuffed animal egg, shitting in a movie theater and mom fucking.
188: Mr. Sunday Movies & Jess Perkins RETURN
Naomi fucked her best friend’s partner, Nick lied about European travels, Hannah fucked Tom Cruise and Jake pretends to be a lawyer.
178: Mr. Sunday Movies & Jess Perkins
Kelly shits herself, Ben gets revenge on a bully, Pete breaks his laptop to hide his infidelity and Alice fucks her friend’s ex.