Deb is sick of her friend Sandra’s shit and takes drastic measures to get revenge. Enjoy! It’s one of the most fucked confessions Sammy has read!
Beautiful Guests
Actor, writer and singer with beautiful wisdom to share
Comedian, actor, writer and expert on politics and stuff
More Jealousy & Revenge!
Laxatives in the Boss’s Coffee
Joel’s boss sucks. It’s a situation easily fixed by a healthy dose of laxatives and a bunch of blasting in front of important clients.
Drawing a Mustache on the Boss’s Portrait
Verity doesn’t like the boss and loves drawing mustaches, a wonderful combination that results in a beautiful confession.
You Fucking Horrible Bitch, Diane
Karen from Finance and Performer Scott Brennan are not big fans of Diane who’s faking a love affair. Is Diane a horrible person?
I Wish You Were Fucking Dead, Diane
Nancy is sick of her demonic aunt Diane, a total fucking slut. Should she slap her around a bit? Or maybe something a bit darker?
Other Wonderful Confessions

Seeking Absolution?
Find peace, even if you shit on someone. Even if you fucked a ghost. Even if you stole a car. No matter what fucked thing you did, you'll feel better confessing.
News & Events
All UpdatesEVENT! Confessions Live Show (19 Aug)
- August 19, 2023
- 5:00pm
- $30
- Comedy Republic