Kinks & Quirks Lying, Cheating and Imposters Shitting, Pissing & Puking
This week on the podcast Sammy is joined by Michelle Brasier and Jess Perkins for some good old fashioned reddit confessions and an inspiring live performance of “Year 3000” by Jonas Brothers. When not singing, Jess and Michelle enjoy wonderful confessions that feature an imaginary affair, a pretend private investigator, a shit ramen prank and a lie about Johnny Depp that snowballs out of control.
Beautiful Guests
Actor, writer and singer with beautiful wisdom to share
Comedian, podcaster, radio host and absolute gem
Wonderful Confessions
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All UpdatesEVENT! Confessions Live Show (19 Aug)
- August 19, 2023
- 5:00pm
- $30
- Comedy Republic