Jess Perkins

Comedian, podcaster, radio host and absolute gem

Confessions with Jess

Did an Open Shit on the Grass

Juliet’s enjoying a lovely picnic date at the park, indulging in lots of cheese and wine. One small problem. Juliet is lactose intolerant.

Oh! Fuck! Off! Ian!

Ian thinks of his friend’s fiancé when bringing himself to ejaculate. And now with the immediate wedding, he needs to shoot his shot.

Strapping Meats to My Legs

I don’t know where this started but I sure as hell can tell you where this confession will end: with pants full of meat.

Episodes with Jess

264: Matt Stewart & Jess Perkins

Alex stashed cash in the mattress, Matt eats chewing gum, Cass killed a goldfish and Verity draws a mustache on the boss’s portrait.

237: Jess Perkins & Michelle Brasier

Wonderful confessions that feature an imaginary affair, a pretend private investigator, a shit ramen prank and a lie about Johnny Depp that snowballs out of control.

158: Jess Perkins & Lehmo

Sammy is joined by the great Jess Perkins and Lehmo. It’s the dynamic duo you didn’t know you needed UNTIL RIGHT NOW WHEN YOU READ THIS.

156: Jess Perkins

This week Sammy is lucky enough to be joined IN THE STUDIO by the great Jess Perkins. it’s the podcast you need!