Fucking Ghosts Kinks & Quirks
It’s the night of nights - the 2,022nd Cogie Awards awarding the very worst and worst of this years wonderful reddit confessions. Featuring Mr. Tony Martin, Oliver Clark and Grant Denyer with Mr. Sunday Movies, Xavier Micheledis, Rhi Down, The Actor Stephen Curry, Jess Perkins and Zachary Ruane.
Beautiful Guests
Golden-voiced singer, entertainer and comedian
Talks movies, comics and TV shows. Also known as James Clement
Comedian, actor and NOT American basketball player
TV & radio presenter, race car driver and good bloke
Comedian, artist and true host of the podcast
Comedian, writer, actor and mayor of Sizzletown
Actor, writer and big comedy boy
Comedian, podcaster, radio host and absolute gem
Comedian, actor, improviser, podcaster and grammar enthusiast
Wonderful Confessions
AllNews & Events
All UpdatesEVENT! Confessions Live Show (19 Aug)
- August 19, 2023
- 5:00pm
- $30
- Comedy Republic